Registration Form

Register now by completing the form below (see form for details). Please read the complete registration information before registering.

[Vancouver Nisei Curling Club Pool curlers: Do not submit this online registration form. There will be a sign-up sheet circulated at the Richmond Curling Club. Otherwise, contact to join and to order extra meal tickets.]

Registration is guaranteed only once full payment has been received. Entry fees will be refunded should space be unavailable.

56th Annual BC Nisei Bonspiel Entry Form

We remind people that this bonspiel is being organized in the spirit of friendly competition, with an emphasis on fun and camaraderie. Note: All curlers must be of hereditary Japanese lineage, or be a spouse, common-law partner or an immediate family member (child or stepchild only) of a person of Japanese origin or descent.

What are you registering:*

If you are registering as an individual(s), please indicate preferred position(s). If you are part of a team, please complete one registration form for the entire team. Note: A team shall consist of at least one female curler, playing any position.


Please visit our website for information about making a donation (including our special In Memoriam program), becoming a sponsor, or advertising in our program and online. If you are interested, select below and a committee member will contact you. All donations are greatly appreciated.

I am interested in:

Special Requests (dietary restrictions, draw times, additional information, etc.):

Note: Your registration is not complete until full payment has been received.Remember to book your hotel before February 26, 2025, to get the discounted rate. If you have any questions, please contact or check out our website.

After submitting this form, a confirmation email with relevant details will be sent to the address you provided above. If you don't see the email, check your spam folder. 

If you are registering as an individual in the Vancouver Nisei Curling Club Pool, DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM.