Contact / Resources

If you have any questions about the BC Nisei Curling Association, or about this website, please use the contact form below.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Here are some resources you may be interested in:

    Curling Canada

    Curl BC

    The National Association of Japanese Canadians

    Nikkei Place (Burnaby, BC): Nikkei Place Seniors, Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre, Nikkei Place Foundation

    The Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens’ Association

    Tonari Gumi (Japanese Community Volunteers Association)

    The Canada-Japan Society of BC

    The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

    The Alberta Japanese-Canadian Bonspiel

    The Marpole Curling Club (Vancouver, BC)

    The Richmond Curling Club

    Richmond Sport Hosting